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jewelry watch

Watch Repair and Maintenance

Funny how you never think about how much you need your watch until it breaks, isn’t it? That timepiece you keep on your wrist has gotten to be such an important part of your life that you likely never even think about how vital it is to you until it breaks. Seriously, how many times a day do you glance at your watch, expecting it to perfectly perform its function? It keeps you on schedule, keeps you from being late to important business meetings and it gets you to your child’s school on time every day. But now that it’s broken, you’re wondering … can it be fixed? And, if so, is there anything I can do without having to schlep it to a watch repair shop to get it repaired? There are, in fact, several steps you can take to fix your jewelry wristwatch before you get to that point. Here are some tips on repairing a watch and watch maintenance that can save you from having to take your watch to a shop for fixing.

jewelry man watch

Types of Watches

“Time is our currency; no one is rich, no one is poor; we’ve got 24 hours each.” A wise man once uttered these timeless words, as true today as they were then. Few things in life are more precious than time itself, and that’s why watches and some jewelry have come to be so important. In the centuries before they were invented, man searched for ways to harness time. In the centuries following, we’ve learned there is no such thing as harnessing it; there’s only knowing it, noting it, and making the most of it. And, thanks to the many timepieces jewelry that have been available over the past thousand or two years, everyone has been afforded the ability to know the time in order to not waste it. Today, there are many different types of watches offered by clock and watch makers throughout the world. Here are some of the most popular types of watches available and the differences between them.