We’ve thankfully come pretty far from those old days where women were relegated to just being housewives, mothers, nurses, or teachers. These days, more and more women are making waves in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, driving innovation, and creating jobs, proving that anyone can be successful in these fields, regardless of their gender. However, there are still some people in this world that can be quite biased and discriminatory towards women. This article will cover the rise of women entrepreneurs, detail the support systems available to them, like a discrimination lawyer in NJ, as well as provide women practical advice so they can achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

The Rise of Women Entrepreneurs

In the United States, in 2024, 39.1% of all businesses are women-owned businesses, which is a 13.6% increase from 2019 to 2023. Women entrepreneurs are thriving in all sectors, but especially in the healthcare, education, and professional services industries, where they actually have higher growth rates than their male counterparts.

Economic independence, flexibility, and the opportunity to pursue personal passions are the main drivers behind the surge in women entrepreneurs. According to the National Women’s Business Council, 61% of women entrepreneurs say the main reason they started their own business was flexibility. With this kind of flexibility, they can balance work and family responsibilities, which can be more difficult in traditional corporate roles.

Support Networks and Resources

There’s a huge, incredibly robust entrepreneurial ecosystem for women these days. Tons of organizations, mentorship programs, and funding opportunities support women entrepreneurs specifically. For example, The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and SheEO are organizations that provide resources like capital, networking opportunities, and business development programs to women.

Additionally, there are various platforms women entrepreneurs can use to connect with more experienced business leaders for team building, advice, mentorship, and guidance. Their advice is often invaluable and goes a long way in building confidence, which goes a long way in the corporate world.

Addressing Discrimination and Gender Bias in Business

While there’s clearly been tons and tons of progress, women entrepreneurs continue to face challenges like gender bias and discrimination in funding, networking, and business opportunities. Many women say it’s more difficult for them to secure business financing like venture capital, and studies corroborate this, showing that women receive a smaller share of venture capital funding than men.

If you’re a woman entrepreneur and think you’re facing discrimination, think about meeting with a discrimination lawyer. A discrimination lawyer in NJ can give you legal guidance and support, as well as help you understand your rights. When you understand what does and doesn’t constitute discrimination in the workplace, you’re much better equipped to deal with any discriminatory practices you come across.

Practical Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

  1. Leverage Available Resources: There are tons of resources available to you as a woman entrepreneur, including funding programs, business development workshops, and networking events specifically for women. Use them, since they can give you the support and guidance you need to overcome traditional barriers to entry.
  2. Seek Mentorship and Build a Support Network: If you want to be an entrepreneur, you should have a strong support network, regardless of your gender. Women can benefit from connecting with other female entrepreneurs and mentors who can offer advice, share experiences, and provide encouragement. You can find support like this from organizations like WBENC and SheEO.
  3. Focus on Your Unique Strengths: Women entrepreneurs tend to bring unique perspectives and skills to the business world. You should use these unique strengths, like emphasizing social impact, focusing on customer relationships, or taking innovative problem-solving approaches, to set your business apart from the competition.
  4. Stay Resilient and Adaptable: Entrepreneurship isn’t easy; it’s a journey filled with ups and downs. To thrive in the world of women entrepreneurship, you need to be resilient and adaptable. You should be seeing challenges as opportunities for growth. Learn from setbacks and stay focused on the big picture to make sure you’ll achieve success.
  5. Know Your Rights and Seek Legal Help if Needed: It’s important to understand your rights in any job, but especially so as a woman entrepreneur. A discrimination lawyer in NJ can be a big help in understanding your rights as well as what is and isn’t discrimination, so you can make sure you’re being treated fairly.

The Future of Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs today have more support and opportunities than they ever have before. That being said, there is still a lot of gender bias in business, so you need to be vigilant in order to have the same access to resources, funding, and opportunities as men do. Fortunately, you can still achieve success when you use the support systems available to you, stay resilient, and seek legal guidance when you need it.

Today’s women are proving that entrepreneurship isn’t locked to one gender. With the right support, guidance, and determination, they can achieve great success in the business world. If you’re facing discrimination or need legal advice, speak with a discrimination lawyer in NJ to help you navigate your entrepreneurial journey.